Friday, April 14, 2017

If You Get What You Want, Will You Want What You Get?

Happy Easter every one...may the reason for the season have everlasting fulfilment in our lives, -amen. This week I will be sharing something totally different, and I do hope someone out there can relate and connect to It. Hard work, diligence, consistency, and never fighting spirit all together with other component adds up to a success story. I hope you enjoy, and also dont forget to share your stories with us. We will be happy to read, and most of all we know that it will also be motivating to someone out there.


Happy reading!

According to Greek mythology, Midas was a king who lived in Phrygia in the eighth century B.C. He was very wealthy and had more gold than anyone in the world. He stored the yellow coins and bars in huge vaults underneath his palace and spent many hours each day handling and counting his treasure.

But no matter how much gold Midas collected and put into his vaults, it was not enough. He always wanted more, and he spent much of his time dreaming about how to obtain still more gold.

According to the legend, one day a being dressed in white appeared to Midas and granted him a wish. The king instantly wished for the "golden touch"—that everything he touched would turn to gold.

The next morning when Midas woke up, he found that his plain linen bedcovers had been transformed into finely spun gold! He gasped with astonishment and jumped out of bed. Then he touched the bedpost, and it turned to gold. "It's true," he cried. "I have the golden touch!" He rushed through the palace, brushing against walls and furniture along the way, all of which turned to gold at his touch.

Out in the garden, he went from bush to bush, touching roses and other flowers, smiling as they turned to gold.

This is the part of the legend most people remember. Many people seem to be fascinated with the idea of being able to create gold—unlimited wealth—at the touch of a finger. Obviously, this is what people are thinking about when they refer to the "Midas touch."

But the Midas myth doesn't end here with everyone living happily ever after.

Finally, tiring from the excitement of touching various items and seeing them turn into gold, Midas sat down to read while he waited for breakfast. But the book he picked up immediately turned to gold. Then when he tried to eat a peach, a spoonful of porridge, and a piece of bread, they each turned into hard golden lumps! Even the water in his cup turned to gold.

The king grew alarmed. "If even my food turns to gold, how will I ever eat again?" he worried. Just then, Midas' daughter, Aurelia, came into the room. She was the only thing he had loved as much as his gold. Aurelia ran to her father, threw her arms around him, and kissed him. Much to Midas' horror, she grew strangely still and turned from a loving, laughing little girl into a golden statue.

The king howled in anguish, overcome by the horror of what was happening before his very eyes. He had gotten what be asked for, but he suddenly realized he didn't want what he was getting.

Fortunately, this is still not the end of the Midas myth. There is yet another part to the story.

The being dressed in white suddenly reappeared and asked, "Well, King Midas, are you not the happiest of men?"  "Oh, no," moaned the king, "I am the most miserable of all creatures."

"What? Did I not grant your wish for the golden touch?" "Yes, but it is a curse to me now," Midas wept. "All that I truly loved is now lost to me."

"Do you mean to say that you would prefer a crust of bread or a cup of water to the gift of the golden touch?" asked the glowing white being.

"Oh, yes!" Midas exclaimed. "I would give up all the gold in the world if only my daughter were restored to me."

According to the myth, the being dressed in white told Midas to go bathe in a certain spring of water that would wash away his golden touch. He was also to bring back some of the water to sprinkle on his daughter and any other objects he wished to change back to their original form.

So the legendary King Midas gladly gave up his golden touch and rejoiced in the restoration of the simple things of life—family, food, and natural beauty. Midas realized that these are the things that have greater value than gold.

The truth is, we do not live in a fairy-tale world. There is no Midas touch or magical formula for material success. But there are opportunities for those who are willing to be diligent and faithful in the work of their mind and hands.

Always from Bosyde Bosyde

Friday, April 7, 2017

Finding Purpose!

Olá everyone yet another moment putting my pen and paper togerther, sharing with you awesome folks some inspiration. I was reading through some articles some days ago which triggered writting this today. Wondering why some people still finds it hard to recognize their potential, their purpose? No doubt everyone is created unique, have something special and a very good potential to greatly be of impact to the world. While some people realizes who they are and are able to work at fulfilling their purpose, some do not. According to statistics about 75 percent of the living population really do not know. They lack understanding of who they are, and tend to go with the tides and flow of the world. No doubt this percentage of follow tend to flow with particular clique of events, trends, and are eventually mix up in the crowd. Even the emergence of social media(distraction) makes it difficult, people are choked with too many things, watch so many things and get worried of so many things.

Is painful but so real that we are in the world where many of us have totally ignored the purpose of our living. Many of us are carried away because of the happenings in the world. Who we are, what makes us special is right inside of us, the happenings notwithstanding, pay close attention to who you are. Be separated from the crowd, create a quiet time for YOU. You will realize that there is this feeling of satisfaction you get when you pay attention to YOU. Find time to sperate away from the razz mataz of The moment. Be bold enough and persistent to find out who and makes your personality. Only with the confidence in YOU directed toward this path will make it possible.

In Addition to the process of finding purpose, it is important that you let go of those negativity both within of yourself and external. Let go of your mistakes, let go of how many times you failed, let the new you emerge again. You can still make great things happen, and realize who solely you are. To make impact to your world and yourself,  to leave a mark. As the weekend beckons near, I implore you to take a step this step today, what is living if you aint living your life to make a remarkable impact worthy to be remembered for. The ultimate step to finding your purpose won't reveal itself to you, not until you keep moving toward the search for it, not until the moment before you are ready. Remember the saying ''when you have life, just everything is possible" IT IS TIME TO START, TAKE THE STEP, IT IS NOW TIME TO MAKE YOUR DREAM HAPPENS, IS TIME FOR YOU TO BE CELEBRATED!!!

Stay tune until our next moment where I will sharing how to understand your passion. If you enjoy this, will appreciate if you share to Inspire others alike, who might need such message to keep going. Thanks all.


Happy weekend.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Why Women Matter!


Since the second half of the 1970s, I have noticed with keen interest the enthusiasm expressed by several stakeholders to champion the interest of women particularly in ensuring the actualization of gender equality. However, we still continue to live in a society that is predominantly male in almost all political, economic and social sectors. 

Aside these, we also continue to live in a society that attributes the attainment of a woman's success to her ability to satisfy requested sexual satisfaction from any source especially those in higher authorities. In Ghana particularly, it is said in the Twi language that " fa wo tuu b3gi golf".What is sad about such comments is the fact that people in the helm of affairs directly and indirectly consent to such comments and acts. 

It is but with a mixed feeling that I celebrate International Women's Day, IWD for short. I feel happy that yet again recognition is given to women for their efforts and contributions to their communities and the world at large whilst on the other hand I feel saddened for the hypocritical nature of its celebration. Majority of us rarely do celebrate or compliment women in our everyday lives; it happens like my birthday which takes place in a long awaited month, 

We understand that culture belongs to the whole society but it is women who are predominately expected to live according to the standards or rules set as compared to the male counterparts. Today, we continue to record high cases of discrimination against women and girls; high incidents of harmful practices such as domestic servitude, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and an over whelming number of child marriages. It is reported by the Ghana Statistical Service that over 38.7% of women married between the ages of 15-49 have experienced physical, psychological, emotional and sexual violations by a partner or husband at some point in the life. We also keep recording by United Nations report over 200 million women and girls in about 30 countries have undergone Female Genital Mutilation(FGM) or cutting. Women's role in agriculture devalued and or with limited access or no access at all to variable lands as well as having ownership. 

In this 21st century, we still have more women whose labor are also unrecognized and devalued. We are still faced with a gender wage gap which will take 70 more years to close,i.e 2086. 

Notwithstanding these challenges which somewhat look far in attaining, we are now more than ever ready to take our deserving share of the national cake. Some areas have seen significant improvement in the role played or positions held by women and for that, we recommend such women who create avenues to promote the course of women empowerment whiles attaining their own goals. 

But this is not enough as we continue to also face some insignificant changes in other areas hence the need for women to "Arise for change for the time is now".I believe there is no appropriate time to demand for our rights than now. Thus, my affirmative support for this year's theme "Be bold for change". But permit me to qualify it more precisely , "Be bold for a positive change". This is a tool which in itself serves as a motivator to all and sundry in order to continue to improve human life as our predecessors have always sought to do. 
As an American Suffragist Carrie Chapman Catt puts it "few people live to see the actual and final realization of hopes to which they have devoted their lives". That privilege is ours. 

In my view, I believe women have therefore been called to be bold to take proactive and calculated radical steps to ensure that every woman counts for development. We continue to appreciate the effects of conferences and seminars over the years but its time we put more of these words in action with much emphasis on the government. Under the auspices of Women in Law and Development in Africa(WiLDAF)-Ghana, I effectively collated signatures towards ensuring that the Affirmative Action Bill will be passed in 2014. Unfortunately, the Bill has gathered dust in Parliament for 8years which leaves me wondering if the issues confronting the marginalized which is dominated by women and children are not of critical concern to government! 

Notwithstanding these, I believe in the power of women. When we put our collective efforts to work, we make the seemingly impossible possible - finding redress to the many challenges facing women especially those in rurual areas, finding no problem when people call themselves feminist, not finding measuring success in relation to marriage and sexual satisfaction etcetera. 

We must demand for following; 

- The passing of the Affirmative Action Bill 'Now' 

- An end to all forms of discrimination against women and girls anywhere and everywhere. 

- The institutionalization of social protective policies which when bridged are punishable by law to end child marriage and FGM. 

- The passing of the land use and spatial planning bill which is before parliament. 

- Availability and accessibility of financial services,properties etc 

- And demand with that equal pay in all areas that women work. 

In conclusion, it is important that women support each other and be bold enough to that praticable measures to see the change they deserve particularly in political spaces. We also need a change in society's behavior towards empowering women for indeed "if we want to see real development, our best investment is in women"-Desmond Tutu. 

Happy International Women's Day..Be Bold for Change 

Authored by Eva Abugabe

A Gender,Human Rights Activist and Advocate /0209339719 

NB:It's sharable.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

How Grateful Are You?

A little something for the weekend. Apologies for not posting for some weeks, the busy schedules and in between my internet got disconnected hence have been out of internet access for weeks. I am hopeful this little mobile Data I got will sustain while my WiFi is been fix. Thanks all for the understanding.

In the course of putting pen and paper together into writing this short piece, my mind wandered into how little we take for granted the things we are lucky to have, this could be either tangible or intangible stuff in whatever case. You know for me in this past few weeks of inaccessibility to the internet I notice how much I took for granted so many little things around me. Anyone who knows me knows that I am one individual who got stuck to the phone once it access to the internet. I would say this was such a lesson in disguise for me that this happened and has helped me to atleast take a break and notice the company and beauty around me. While been driven by the driver during the course of the busy week I took notice of a large billboard with an amazing caption, "A Calm Spirit Brings Inner Strength, Never warry of the assle to make Fast decision. Good decisions are made with a relax and Calm Mind". Isnt this beautiful? Would I have notice this at all if I had my internet? Maybe Yes, and Maybe at someone point. But at that moment it made something. I also took notice of the newly renovated park. My love for parks and the Freshness it brings. It has a way of relaxing and refeshes my soul.  My love For parks started in one of those beautiful summers  while I was on holiday in Viseu, such wonderful memories. How amazing! I also took time to visit an old friend who I ran into while waiting an appointment. I would have been engross on my phone and never notice her walk pass. In this, I am grateful.

Gratutide shouldn't be limited to things of nature but also to friends and family who has made our lives meaningful and filled with memories. To be Gratitude means to recognize the good in your life, be thankful for whatever you have, some people may not even have one of those things you consider precious to you (love, family, friends, job, lovable partner etc). Each day give thanks for the gift of life, and to every little things.  You would See how blessed you are.

A beautiful weekend to everyone of you, and I hope this little message makes some meaning.

Count your countless blessings and remain grateful.....


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Poem: Bits and Pieces

Does anyone else get a little bit of cathartic release when they write? Here is something.


I am hurt, 
I am broken, 
My tears fill my eyes with the thoughts of my past, 
I struggle with the experiences that changed the course of my life, 
I thought I had buried the past deep within myself that it would never come back, 
I had the wind knocked out of me, 
I fell to the ground hard, 
I am now laying on the floor wondering if anyone will come to and find me, 
help scrape me up off the floor, 
I wonder if I can gather the strength to get up and keep on going, 
I may be losing this battle, but can I win this war? 
Can I keep fighting, 
Can I keep going on with this? 
The guilt, the shame, the what if's that are eating me alive, 
I can feel myself withering away, 
If I disappear into thin air will anyone notice that I am gone? 
Would anyone come looking for me? 
Would anyone miss me? 
I hear a voice deep down inside me, 
Struggling to reach the surface, 
It started out as only a whisper, 
It's getting louder and louder, 
I can finally make sense of the words, 
Breathe, just breathe, focus on your breath, 
I now have a choice, 
I can continue to lay here wilting away, 
Or I can shed this cocoon of darkness and pick myself up, 
I want to be free of this pain, 
I can't take it anymore, 
I want to give in to this darkness, 
But I am still breathing, 
More than ever focused on my breath, 
I find the strength in my breath to get up, 
I may have lost this battle but I will win this war, 
I want to be free of this darkness, 
So I will stand up and fight, 
And I will remember to just breathe.

~divas anchor

Monday, February 13, 2017


Her water broke…

Clara was rolled into the theatre, with her husband running behind the nurses, soaked
in sweat and splatters of the broken water on his trouser, it was slimy.

“I’m sorry sir you can’t come in, her blood pressure is up and she’s almost having a
panic attack, she’s gone into labour already”

“No, there’s no way! I have to be there!!!” “We’re sorry sir”

Sweat broke out across his face and it looked like he was the one with the panic attack. He loved her and would give anything to take her place in that labour room, but of course, that couldn’t happen. Clara couldn’t take a minute more of the pain but she had insisted on pushing all the way. She was a nurse and had helped deliver countless kids. But this was even more painful than she expected. With her legs spread out and head hurting so badly she thought she’d faint, Clara blasted into wild tears.

“I can’t do it doc, I can’t!”
“Ma’am you have to push. The head is already out and this baby will die if you don’t!” The doctor’s voice getting more intense and sharp. Clara began to cry again, she had dreamt many nights about this baby, her girl, her first baby after five miscarriages.

“Doc, I’m so tired, please, I’m getting really weak”
“Get her husband in here right now” They didn’t need to call his name a second time before Jeff came in rushing to her side.

“Baby, I’m here”
“It’s too painful!”
“I know my love, and I would give anything to do this for you, but I can’t” He began sobbing as she screamed releasing a measure of the pain on his hands, he could bet blood wasn’t flowing in them at that moment.

“Baby, listen to me. For every child we lost, push!”
“For all the years that went by, baby push!”
“For everyone that laughed at you, push!!!”
“For the joy of having your own child, baby
And for the first time to Clara, she heard a cry that made her smile, it was the cry of a baby born. Her very own. You may be young, but you’re not young at all. You may have tried one thing or the other, or some of you may not even have a clue where to start. But there’s a hand holding you right now. Saying, you’ve wasted enough time wondering if you’re good enough, being afraid of the possibility of failure, its time to push. You’ve probably been a great part of someone else’s dream, you’ve helped birth other visions, that’s fantastic, but at the end of the journey, you stand alone on the finish line.

So this is for you:

For everyone that talked you down, PUSH
For all the times your name was forgotten, PUSH
For the family that said they won’t support you,  PUSH
For that friend that betrayed you, PUSH
For that boyfriend or girlfriend that gave up on your relationship, PUSH
For the mistakes that try to hunt you, PUSH
For every time you tried and failed, darling, PUSH!

I don’t promise that there’ll be no pain, as a matter of fact, I guarantee that you would have to cry sometimes, other times. You will wake up at night, and wonder Why You, if you can continue to bare it much longer. You would want to give up, and it will look lik every bone in your body is breaking into pieces, but for that dream in your heart, that change you want to make, that future you saw for yourself.

IT IS TIME TO PUSH. Its time to stop to dwell on the pain of the past.

People can love you, encourage you, and motivate you, but when it comes down tothe time to push, no two women give birth to one child. make your pain useful, turn it into labor pain!


Have a productive filled week....

From me to you.


Looking Back- Women where hath thou!

Looking back, makes you smart.
Looking forward, makes you mature.
Looking down, makes you wise.
Looking UP, makes you strong.

The above short poem was compose out of the zeal to not just challenge myself to push forward but also bring to motivate and inspire other ladies out there going through the same dilemma on pushing forward either in as an entrepreneur, in relationship, at work place or even around friends at school.  No doubt it is always a good step to  look back, to reflect on how far you have come,  much as looking forward to place you imagine for yourself.

As a person, experience has taught me that no matter the mistake of the past which can never be undone, one need not dwell so much on it.   It doesnt matter what the challenges are, in this generation where women are rising and doing powerful things. They are impacting the world positively. They are showing up and making a difference despite the little or no so much opportunities. They are the evidence that having the ability to have children and raising a nation ( an Individual) is just a part of the wonders that women are capable of.

We are blessed to live in the times when women like Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Aisha Mohammed, are bashing ceilings worldwide. Oh it pains me when a woman, any woman is reduced to a womb or judged by the number of children she can birth. And yes, it is so awful to think of women as only child bearer's or as s*x machinery.

In our society somehow, the intellectual ability of a woman is most times conveniently forgotten, perhaps because too many of us readily conform to undue influence from husbands, family, in-laws, pastor, society to pretend to be less than whom we are.
If you read this today, I want to remind you Sister, that you are much more than your biology, You are a Person! You are a being, different and most of all a powerful tool.

You can walk whatever path you choose, you can even create the path if it does not exist. Never feel that you should conform to societal nonsense. NEVER!

You are a Queen, a Lioness, a warrior. 

Keep it alive and keep suaving. Today endeavor to take that step to become who you really are meant to be. 

 Xoxo da_diva

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Happy New Month, February 2017

Yels, its new. New?  Yes New!

A fresh month to gather our thoughts, reaccount how far we made in January 2017. I know the vibe and energy of the new year. While some of us decided to make and walk in resolutions for the new year, others imagine to get better. In whatever category you fit, hope you see yourself still walking in line in whatever goal you have set for yourself. Hence, why I said, "its New".

In this new month, we will be standing together in faith and love with one another, especially to those going through some situation or the other, those in pain, those  hurting, those going through health challenges, and those going through unimaginable circumstances. Together we stand with them in faith, H.O.P.I.N.G that the new month brings to them their breakthrough.

Hence, we remain grateful for the air we breathe, the friends, family, colleagues and loved ones in our lives. We walk in peace, love and abundance grace in the new month.

Happy New Month!

From me to You,

Your Anchor!


Photo Credit: Internet

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Happy Sunday!

Good morning beautiful angels!

I am just in to drop some note and say a warm hello to you.

I hope you're all having a blessed Sunday, and getting set for a fresh new week. Remember to wake up full of gratitude regardless of any issues you might be going through. The storm always passes.

Be yourselves, love your beautiful uniqueness. Be your own madness, regardless of what people think or say.

Have a splendid day. Remain beautiful, keep the H.O.P.E.

You are Enough!


Me to You!

Pix Credit: Cassey

Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Story of Positivity!

A very beautiful day to you all, and a very big thank you. I couldn't believe the turn out and acceptance to the first blog. It goes to say that so many of us out there all fighting a battle and willingly looking out ways to share with outs. One of the mails I got from a subscriber who I will name anonymous caught my attention and hence I felt to share. Hoping it will inspire, motivate someone out there. Keep positivity alive!

Happy read!

Xoxo kisses and love!


Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, “If I were any better, I would be twins!”

He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.

Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, “I don’t get it! You can’t be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?” Jerry replied, “Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.’ I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.”

“Yeah, right, it’s not that easy,” I protested.

“Yes it is,” Jerry said. “Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It’s your choice how you live life.”

I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it. Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination. The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body. I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, “If I were any better, I’d be twins. Wanna see my scars?”

I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. “The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door,” Jerry replied. “Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to live.”

“Weren’t you scared? Did you lose consciousness?” I asked. Jerry continued, “The paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, ‘He’s a dead man.’ I knew I needed to take action.”

“What did you do?” I asked.

“Well, there was a big, burly nurse shouting questions at me,” said Jerry. “She asked if I was allergic to anything. ‘Yes,’ I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply… I took a deep breath and yelled, ‘Bullets!’ Over their laughter, I told them, ‘I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.”

Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Divas Corner!

Hmmm...yels yet another blog to share the bit and pieces through writing with you all, and hoping you will enjoy and find something educating and inspiring. To those that follow the other blog post, this will be our little chill out corner where we share, learn and pour out our minds. So let it loose, feel free to share, comment and inbox me your stories, cos someone out there is going through something similar and looking out ways to get out.

So let us together  be our own personal anchor, educating and inspiring ourselves through writing.

As a person am welcome to share, love the beauty of life in its totality, inspire young folks through personal experiences from others who have told me their stories coupled with those  I had/still experience(ing) myself. Hence, I hope through this little corner we will together make someone smile, laugh and rekindle the fire in them bringing back H.O.P.E

I hope to encourage someone out there with my writings and poems as I will be sharing some of my personal teenage writings laid bare and true with no pretense, daily inspirational thoughts as the flow comes into Mind.

I guess that is why I am here.

Happy reading, and welcome all on board the Divas Anchor!
