Saturday, February 25, 2017

Poem: Bits and Pieces

Does anyone else get a little bit of cathartic release when they write? Here is something.


I am hurt, 
I am broken, 
My tears fill my eyes with the thoughts of my past, 
I struggle with the experiences that changed the course of my life, 
I thought I had buried the past deep within myself that it would never come back, 
I had the wind knocked out of me, 
I fell to the ground hard, 
I am now laying on the floor wondering if anyone will come to and find me, 
help scrape me up off the floor, 
I wonder if I can gather the strength to get up and keep on going, 
I may be losing this battle, but can I win this war? 
Can I keep fighting, 
Can I keep going on with this? 
The guilt, the shame, the what if's that are eating me alive, 
I can feel myself withering away, 
If I disappear into thin air will anyone notice that I am gone? 
Would anyone come looking for me? 
Would anyone miss me? 
I hear a voice deep down inside me, 
Struggling to reach the surface, 
It started out as only a whisper, 
It's getting louder and louder, 
I can finally make sense of the words, 
Breathe, just breathe, focus on your breath, 
I now have a choice, 
I can continue to lay here wilting away, 
Or I can shed this cocoon of darkness and pick myself up, 
I want to be free of this pain, 
I can't take it anymore, 
I want to give in to this darkness, 
But I am still breathing, 
More than ever focused on my breath, 
I find the strength in my breath to get up, 
I may have lost this battle but I will win this war, 
I want to be free of this darkness, 
So I will stand up and fight, 
And I will remember to just breathe.

~divas anchor

Xoxo. Beautiful weekend everyone 😘😍

Pic culled: Irine

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