Saturday, February 25, 2017

Poem: Bits and Pieces

Does anyone else get a little bit of cathartic release when they write? Here is something.


I am hurt, 
I am broken, 
My tears fill my eyes with the thoughts of my past, 
I struggle with the experiences that changed the course of my life, 
I thought I had buried the past deep within myself that it would never come back, 
I had the wind knocked out of me, 
I fell to the ground hard, 
I am now laying on the floor wondering if anyone will come to and find me, 
help scrape me up off the floor, 
I wonder if I can gather the strength to get up and keep on going, 
I may be losing this battle, but can I win this war? 
Can I keep fighting, 
Can I keep going on with this? 
The guilt, the shame, the what if's that are eating me alive, 
I can feel myself withering away, 
If I disappear into thin air will anyone notice that I am gone? 
Would anyone come looking for me? 
Would anyone miss me? 
I hear a voice deep down inside me, 
Struggling to reach the surface, 
It started out as only a whisper, 
It's getting louder and louder, 
I can finally make sense of the words, 
Breathe, just breathe, focus on your breath, 
I now have a choice, 
I can continue to lay here wilting away, 
Or I can shed this cocoon of darkness and pick myself up, 
I want to be free of this pain, 
I can't take it anymore, 
I want to give in to this darkness, 
But I am still breathing, 
More than ever focused on my breath, 
I find the strength in my breath to get up, 
I may have lost this battle but I will win this war, 
I want to be free of this darkness, 
So I will stand up and fight, 
And I will remember to just breathe.

~divas anchor

Monday, February 13, 2017


Her water broke…

Clara was rolled into the theatre, with her husband running behind the nurses, soaked
in sweat and splatters of the broken water on his trouser, it was slimy.

“I’m sorry sir you can’t come in, her blood pressure is up and she’s almost having a
panic attack, she’s gone into labour already”

“No, there’s no way! I have to be there!!!” “We’re sorry sir”

Sweat broke out across his face and it looked like he was the one with the panic attack. He loved her and would give anything to take her place in that labour room, but of course, that couldn’t happen. Clara couldn’t take a minute more of the pain but she had insisted on pushing all the way. She was a nurse and had helped deliver countless kids. But this was even more painful than she expected. With her legs spread out and head hurting so badly she thought she’d faint, Clara blasted into wild tears.

“I can’t do it doc, I can’t!”
“Ma’am you have to push. The head is already out and this baby will die if you don’t!” The doctor’s voice getting more intense and sharp. Clara began to cry again, she had dreamt many nights about this baby, her girl, her first baby after five miscarriages.

“Doc, I’m so tired, please, I’m getting really weak”
“Get her husband in here right now” They didn’t need to call his name a second time before Jeff came in rushing to her side.

“Baby, I’m here”
“It’s too painful!”
“I know my love, and I would give anything to do this for you, but I can’t” He began sobbing as she screamed releasing a measure of the pain on his hands, he could bet blood wasn’t flowing in them at that moment.

“Baby, listen to me. For every child we lost, push!”
“For all the years that went by, baby push!”
“For everyone that laughed at you, push!!!”
“For the joy of having your own child, baby
And for the first time to Clara, she heard a cry that made her smile, it was the cry of a baby born. Her very own. You may be young, but you’re not young at all. You may have tried one thing or the other, or some of you may not even have a clue where to start. But there’s a hand holding you right now. Saying, you’ve wasted enough time wondering if you’re good enough, being afraid of the possibility of failure, its time to push. You’ve probably been a great part of someone else’s dream, you’ve helped birth other visions, that’s fantastic, but at the end of the journey, you stand alone on the finish line.

So this is for you:

For everyone that talked you down, PUSH
For all the times your name was forgotten, PUSH
For the family that said they won’t support you,  PUSH
For that friend that betrayed you, PUSH
For that boyfriend or girlfriend that gave up on your relationship, PUSH
For the mistakes that try to hunt you, PUSH
For every time you tried and failed, darling, PUSH!

I don’t promise that there’ll be no pain, as a matter of fact, I guarantee that you would have to cry sometimes, other times. You will wake up at night, and wonder Why You, if you can continue to bare it much longer. You would want to give up, and it will look lik every bone in your body is breaking into pieces, but for that dream in your heart, that change you want to make, that future you saw for yourself.

IT IS TIME TO PUSH. Its time to stop to dwell on the pain of the past.

People can love you, encourage you, and motivate you, but when it comes down tothe time to push, no two women give birth to one child. make your pain useful, turn it into labor pain!


Have a productive filled week....

From me to you.


Looking Back- Women where hath thou!

Looking back, makes you smart.
Looking forward, makes you mature.
Looking down, makes you wise.
Looking UP, makes you strong.

The above short poem was compose out of the zeal to not just challenge myself to push forward but also bring to motivate and inspire other ladies out there going through the same dilemma on pushing forward either in as an entrepreneur, in relationship, at work place or even around friends at school.  No doubt it is always a good step to  look back, to reflect on how far you have come,  much as looking forward to place you imagine for yourself.

As a person, experience has taught me that no matter the mistake of the past which can never be undone, one need not dwell so much on it.   It doesnt matter what the challenges are, in this generation where women are rising and doing powerful things. They are impacting the world positively. They are showing up and making a difference despite the little or no so much opportunities. They are the evidence that having the ability to have children and raising a nation ( an Individual) is just a part of the wonders that women are capable of.

We are blessed to live in the times when women like Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Aisha Mohammed, are bashing ceilings worldwide. Oh it pains me when a woman, any woman is reduced to a womb or judged by the number of children she can birth. And yes, it is so awful to think of women as only child bearer's or as s*x machinery.

In our society somehow, the intellectual ability of a woman is most times conveniently forgotten, perhaps because too many of us readily conform to undue influence from husbands, family, in-laws, pastor, society to pretend to be less than whom we are.
If you read this today, I want to remind you Sister, that you are much more than your biology, You are a Person! You are a being, different and most of all a powerful tool.

You can walk whatever path you choose, you can even create the path if it does not exist. Never feel that you should conform to societal nonsense. NEVER!

You are a Queen, a Lioness, a warrior. 

Keep it alive and keep suaving. Today endeavor to take that step to become who you really are meant to be. 

 Xoxo da_diva

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Happy New Month, February 2017

Yels, its new. New?  Yes New!

A fresh month to gather our thoughts, reaccount how far we made in January 2017. I know the vibe and energy of the new year. While some of us decided to make and walk in resolutions for the new year, others imagine to get better. In whatever category you fit, hope you see yourself still walking in line in whatever goal you have set for yourself. Hence, why I said, "its New".

In this new month, we will be standing together in faith and love with one another, especially to those going through some situation or the other, those in pain, those  hurting, those going through health challenges, and those going through unimaginable circumstances. Together we stand with them in faith, H.O.P.I.N.G that the new month brings to them their breakthrough.

Hence, we remain grateful for the air we breathe, the friends, family, colleagues and loved ones in our lives. We walk in peace, love and abundance grace in the new month.

Happy New Month!

From me to You,

Your Anchor!


Photo Credit: Internet